QUEPOS, Costa Rica — Costa Rican authorities said it could take up to three months to determine what killed the 14-year-old son of former Yankee Brett Gardner — because a surge in murders in the Central American beauty spot has overwhelmed coroners.
The Judicial Investigations Police in the Central American nation said results of toxicology, histology and neuropathology tests for Miller Gardner will be delayed “due to the high demand for autopsies being performed in the country due to the increase in homicides.”
Costa Rica’s homicide rate hit an all-time high of 17.3 per 100,000 people in 2023, raising fears in the popular tourist destination, the English-language outlet Tico Times reported.
Miller Gardner, 14, the son for former major leaguer Brett Gardner, was found dead at a Costa Rican resort on Friday. TikTok / zoe
The spike in violence, which saw more than 900 killings in the country of 5.1 million people, is tied to an ongoing gang war — with immigrant groups fighting over drug-trafficking territory, according to Cronkite News.
The murders have even prompted a travel alert from the US State Department in December.
“Exercise increased caution in Costa Rica due to crime,” the alert said. “Petty crime is common throughout Costa Rica. Violent crime, including armed robbery, homicide, and sexual assault, also affects tourists.”
Resorts like the Arenas Del Mar Beachfront & Rainforest Resort at Manuel Antonio National Park where the Gardners stayed remain relatively safe, and many hotels have security guards on duty.
Brett and Jessica Gardner were on vacation with their sons, Miller and Hunter, when Miller died.
But the US “Level 2” alert urges travelers to exercise “increased caution” while in the country.
Costa Rica’s murder rate is still below many major American cities. Chicago, for instance, had a rate of 20 killings per 100,000 people in 2024. (New York City’s homicide rate was 4.5 per 100,000 last year.)
However, the spate of killing has Costa Rican coroners working overtime to keep up, which means Miller Gardner’s case is on a waiting list, officials said.
Brett and Jessica Gardner, and their sons Miller and Hunter, were vacationing at the beach resort when Miller was found dead in his bed Friday morning after becoming ill the night before.
Cops in Costa Rica now believe Miller Gardner may have died from an allergic reaction to food poisoning medication.
Authorities initially believed the teen died from asphyxiation due to food poisoning, but ruled that out this week and now suspect it was an allergic reaction to medication he was given by a hotel doctor.
Brett Gardner, 41, manned the outfield for the Bronx Bombers for 14 years until his retirement after the 2021 season, and was a member of the Yankees’ 2009 World Series championship team.